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High Risk Report
International vacation and tourism operator Transat A.T. Inc. continues to struggle from pandemic headwinds and a cumbersome debt load. Without a major bump in travel demand sometime in 2021, bankruptcy proves more and more a possible endgame.
International vacation and tourism operator Transat A.T. Inc. continues to struggle from pandemic headwinds and a cumbersome debt load. Without a major bump in travel demand sometime in 2021, bankruptcy proves more and more a possible endgame.
Shut down the showroom? Iconic luxury auto manufacturer Aston Martin has seen sales collapse and losses mount in a turbulent year that was overshadowed by management change and the coronavirus pandemic.
Shut down the showroom? Iconic luxury auto manufacturer Aston Martin has seen sales collapse and losses mount in a turbulent year that was overshadowed by management change and the coronavirus pandemic.
China-based property developer Tahoe Group is providing evidence that the real estate bubble has resulted in ballooning inventories and distorted balance sheets, leaving less capitalized peers to struggle in an overly distended industry.
China-based property developer Tahoe Group is providing evidence that the real estate bubble has resulted in ballooning inventories and distorted balance sheets, leaving less capitalized peers to struggle in an overly distended industry.
Join CreditRiskMonitor's President & COO Michael Flum and Sr. VP of Data Science Dr. Camilo Gomez for a look back at the volatile year that was in 2020 and how the FRISK® score was instrumental in making financial risk evaluators aware of potential bankruptcies far earlier than by using other models.
Although crude oil prices snapped back in recent months, Denver-based Highpoint Resources filed bankruptcy not long after the publication of our High Risk Report.
The FRISK® score enables procurement and supply chain professionals to monitor the financial risk of their suppliers, vendors, and third parties quickly and efficiently.
The FRISK® score enables procurement and supply chain professionals to monitor the financial risk of their suppliers, vendors, and third parties quickly and efficiently.
More than one full year into restrictive stay-at-home orders across the globe and with vaccinations being administered slowly, there are no guarantees that air travel will experience a full rebound anytime soon.
More than one full year into restrictive stay-at-home orders across the globe and with vaccinations being administered slowly, there are no guarantees that air travel will experience a full rebound anytime soon.
For the second time in four years, Seadrill Limited is bankrupt. The company is the latest in a series of offshore rig firms to seek court protection from creditors following spending cuts by the energy sector in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the second time in four years, Seadrill Limited is bankrupt. The company is the latest in a series of offshore rig firms to seek court protection from creditors following spending cuts by the energy sector in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
From the start of the coronavirus pandemic, CreditRiskMonitor subscribers have experienced a new record in public company FRISK® scored bankruptcy filings between North America and Europe.
From the start of the coronavirus pandemic, CreditRiskMonitor subscribers have experienced an increase in public company FRISK® scored corporate failures* throughout North America.
CreditRiskMonitor subscribers were the first to see the danger in now-bankrupt propane giant Ferrellgas Partners. The keys to successful risk evaluation were regularly keeping a keen eye upon the FRISK® score and not being swayed by payment data.
CreditRiskMonitor subscribers were the first to see the danger in now-bankrupt propane giant Ferrellgas Partners. The keys to successful risk evaluation were regularly keeping a keen eye upon the FRISK® score and not being swayed by payment data.
There is hope for U.S. senior housing companies, as COVID-19 will one day relent despite claiming more than 400,000 lives – and counting. It is unclear, however, if all operators will make it to the end of the pandemic without meeting bankruptcy first.
There is hope for U.S. senior housing companies, as COVID-19 will one day relent despite claiming more than 400,000 lives – and counting. It is unclear, however, if all operators will make it to the end of the pandemic without meeting bankruptcy first.