When something stinks with public companies, we know best. The fertilizer market in both China and India are both rife with odious companies at heightened risk of bankruptcy.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

CreditRiskMonitor offers up five quick and important facts that you need to know about Party City Holdco Inc. to make a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, even an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.

In 2019, nearly half of the 230 publicly traded Chinese construction companies we cover are financially distressed. If you have exposure to China’s real estate market, we urge you to monitor closely the financial risk potential of your commercial counterparties.

In the restaurant industry during COVID-19, the ability to pay your bill today doesn't mean that you can just as easily pay the bill tomorrow. We see the danger in many high-profile eateries across the U.S.

Most trade payments only become past due after a bankruptcy filing. Thus, unsecured creditors are given a false sense of security and after months - or years - of legal proceedings, they recover pennies on the dollar.

The decline and demise of oil services giant McDermott International, Inc. was missed by many due to an unwise reliance on trade payment data analysis. When it comes to public companies and bankruptcy prediction, payment data doesn't work.

Based on Neiman Marcus Group LTD LLC’s bottom-rung FRISK® score of “1,” trade creditors must perform deep financial analysis and take extra care when dealing with the company.

AutoCanada Inc.'s heavy leverage has put the company in potential danger. As interest rates rise in both Canada and the U.S., expected softer sales and higher costs will make it much harder for the company to remain solvent in 2019.

CreditRiskMonitor offers up five quick and important facts that you need to know about Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. to make a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, even an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.