Sears Holdings Corporation has closed underperforming stores and cut costs, yet a hedge fund controlled by company CEO Eddie Lampert is now pushing for even more forceful financial restructuring to stave off bankruptcy.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

The Russia/Ukraine conflict has pushed oil prices above $100 USD per barrel, further impacting the profitability, or lack thereof, of the airline industry. We identify airlines most at risk of bankruptcy.

Based on Neiman Marcus Group LTD LLC’s bottom-rung FRISK® score of “1,” trade creditors must perform deep financial analysis and take extra care when dealing with the company.

The media and financial institutions, including the Federal Reserve, underreport the proliferation of zombie firms, a frightening reality you must not ignore. Learn how you can use the FRISK® score and other CreditRiskMonitor report features to protect your company from bankruptcy-prone zombies.

The senior housing industry reported a significant share of the coronavirus illness cases, causing a collapse in occupancy. A considerable population decline in assisted living facilities could deliver a slew of corporate bankruptcies in the coming year.

CreditRiskMonitor warned of the increased bankruptcy risk at newspaper owner McClatchy Company for more than a year before their Chapter 11 filing in February 2020. Yet McClatchy Company is not an isolated case and risk professionals should be monitoring other news provider outlets closely.

Public and private companies need to be proactively evaluated in distinct, different ways by risk management professionals - fortunately, with the FRISK® score and PAYCE® score, CreditRiskMonitor has world-class solutions for both subportfolios.

Retailers left and right exited stage left and into bankruptcy this summer. CreditRiskMonitor has the read on a few potential industry giants who might not survive to see 2021.

Looking to China in a COVID-19 age, creditors may soon start forcing several high-profile companies into legal proceedings commensurate with corporate failure.